


Basic color: Grey


Color options

(1200+ pcs)

Dice Cube



Basic color: Grey


Color options

(1200+ pcs)

Dice Cube

(reinforced coating)


Basic color: Grey


Color options

(1200+ pcs)

Dice Cube



Basic color: Grey


Color options

(1200+ pcs)

Current color possibilities:

• About 300 options to customize colors

• All our neon colors  and glow in the dark glow in UV light

• Glow in the dark lights up in dark for long time

• Dun webbing options, using different color scribble over the base color

• Using neon webbing over basic color would make only the webbing glow

Choose color and scribble color

from the following options:

 Basic colors:

Neon Colors:

Glow in the dark:

© COG Foam Products AB